How TV Influenced Our Fashion


The 1995 film clueless influenced so many fashion trends in the 90s and still now 25 years later designers use some touches of Cher, Dionne, and Tai. Clueless’ costumes themselves make it clear why it’s grown into a generational cult classic for so many. The costume designer did a wonderful job of picking up on the current trends in young adult fashion. But the designers real impact was in how she understood those trends and by making the costumes of the film so prominent, she actually invented new trends. So many of the outfits in this film are still fashionable and popular 20 years later. It’s very hard for a costume designer to elevate current trends, create new trends and simultaneously make an iconic cinematic wardrobe. Plaid suits is still a trend in 2020, and Kangol the brand of hat that Dionne wore in the film just did a huge collab with H&M and Stussy.
In addition to Clueless’ fashion impact, the recent show euphoria has been making an impact of the beauty world and red carpets. Euphoria is known for their colorful and extreme eye makeup and “influenced a new makeup language” and “a way of transcending mainstream archetypes and stereotypes and embracing a more fluid, boundary-pushing mode of self-expression” says the creator of the show. Makeup brands like NYX have increased their marketing of Euphoria-inspired looks and shows fans how they can recreate some iconic looks them. The outfits in Euphoria are presented as street syle and how teenager today would dress and they hit the nail on the head. Everyone loved the outfits, especially Jules and Maddy's usual styles. The outfit for the character Jules created based on how to make the balance between her innocence and sexuality. For Maddy’s character her outfits show her character development with her clothing and makeup choices. In the early episodes, she wear simple makeup and outfits her, but as pieces of her relationship with her boyfriend, Nate fall apart and become toxic her clothing shifts to a more powerful and unusual outfits.
You never know how much impact a show or film can have an impact on fashion until it truly starts to change the way people dress and wear makeup.

By: Willow K.

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