Model Monday: Oriane

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When I first signed, in 2018, I was self-conscious, because I was always naturally skinny(skinnier than I am now). I know I use to be in castings and be insecure cause other (black) models would give me looks, side-eyes, and it would make me reconsider myself and think do I deserve to be here

But we are in the same room, so I would have to have deserved to be there...

But what I like is at Fenton they don't tell me I need to lose weight or push me to a diet - I feel supported, and they are very laid back but even with that atmosphere, they still are able to constantly book me. I feel like I'm me not just a Fenton model. Even with finances, money has never been a problem cause I've heard crazy stories !!

This year, after about a year as a working model, I made the decision o cut my hair(in a major way) I just cut my hair mid-October (2019) as a redefining moment for where I want to take my career and to make a more standout statement as a model, that I am not just a "Hair Model" because so many of my shoots and work thus far has been focused around commercial hair work.  Every girl sees and has the vision of modeling as the "Runway Model" and the big Editorials in fashion and thinks that's the only modeling, or that when you get in the industry that's what it will be. But it's REALLY NOT. I know for me I haven't done anyway runway - I remember one time I was actually told I was too pretty for runway (which was super shocking to hear). But I do a lot of hair or have done, as well as beauty too.

I : So where do you want your career to go as a model?

Q : I want to do a lot more runway shows. And I also want to travel not just for work but for leisure.

I'd like to get a fashion campaign as well - I really want to be a high fashion model.  

I : How would you describe the future of the fashion industry?

Q : I think the fashion industry IS changing, and the future is bright for black models. Because people are finally seeing the beauty that black women have, like look at the pageants recently (referring to Miss Universe, Miss America, Miss USA, & Miss Teen USA being black women). And the fashion industry is starting to showcasing it; like we can look at an Adult and feel like we can do it too. 

I : What's your take on inclusion currently in the fashion industry 

Q : It's not enough, and I feel like it's not enough because a lot of the creative staff is still doesn't know how to do our makeup or hair even though there are getting more black models signed. But it has brought models together I know, cause there have been times backstage where we will check each other. 

I : What your take on agencies and their future?

Q : Hmmmmm *wow - I think agencies dying out are still a long way off cause, it gives you help but it also can offer support and guidance when dealing with the industry as a whole ​

I : What advice would you give to aspiring models trying to get signed?

Q : WATCH WHO YOU SHOOT WITH! Not just for the perverts, of course be safe, but also for the vision. Also, figure out what lane you want to really be in(what's your goal as a model ) you want to find photographers who can actually shoot and are working in the direction you are trying to go in.


Model Monday: Chetan


Model Monday: Epiphany